Sunday, November 25, 2012

My Ride with Paparazzi

My Ride with Paparazzi Company

     I know at some point some of you have said "God, I wish I could find some kind of supplement income without breaking the bank and that would show some kind of profit." This was me in April 2012. I was working and going to school needing some extra cash. I started up at the bottom with limited money. I can tell you I have not worked the program as much as I could have and I am still making money at it. Sounds good?

Friday, November 23rd, I received this envelope in the mail. Its piece of paper held inside not only shocked me, but shows it is obtainable!! Are you holding onto something?

THAT'S RIGHT! I am still a Paparazzi Consultant, but with a Director status! HOLY MOLY! Who would have thought! In May, I was let go from my full time job and my schooling was put on hold until Fall 2012.

I am that person who can tell you what not to do. I made a lot of errors, but I can also tell others what things have worked! Thank goodness for the amazing leaders in our team. Everyone is so supportive and are willing to help out whenever or wherever we are lacking something.

I am sure you are probably asking "what does director status do for you?" When you sign up with Papa you are considered a consultant. Then, you become, a star consultant. At this status, not only are you allowed access to the back office to purchase the jewelry and accessories at wholesale cost, but you earn 3% commission off of your download you sign up under you. AWESOME! When you sign three consultants under you, then you are bumped up to director. THIS PUSHES YOU UP TO 10% CLUB! That's receive 10% of the ones you sign up under you. Everyone grows together! :) Believe you me, the commission checks makes a difference at that point. Hang on and ENJOY THE RIDE!
I have had so much fun selling affordable fashionable jewelry and accessories! If you want more information, contact me today! or you can visit me on FB today!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

How To Measure Success

Everyone has their own tools and angles in success. What your definition of success and what my definition of success might be completely different. What balls it all up, is what makes US feel successful!

My personal story is plan and boring, but full of richness and totally different than most! The dollar signs are nice, but not always a goal to be met.

I have had sale events where I didn't sell but maybe 12 bucks, but I met a LOT of people, handed out TONS of cards and collected interested individuals in joining my team. So, listening to this, I say THAT was a successful day! I mean, what is the best advertisement? WORD OF MOUTH! "I saw a booth the other day of some DARLING pieces of jewelry and accessories AND they were ALL $5 and UNDER! Can you believe this!!"

Another I have noticed in this industry is when you feel it is time to throw in the towel, just hang on! I was ready to quit and count my losses, then BLAM!!! I was hit from every angle with new contacts and ladies contacting me.

So, to measure success merely by dollar signs is not the answer. My measurement of success is calculated by volume of people added to my fanpages, business cards I hand out...and the word getting out!




Saturday, July 21, 2012

How to Accessorize?

I use to be girly, but I haven't been in a long time! Nor, did I want to be! What I have learned by becoming a Paparazzi Consultant, is you have to make yourself do something out of the norm. By placing hair clips and forcing to sell my products, it made me transition myself to become "girly" and I love it! The more I did it, the more I liked it!
I can only go from personal experience and then I enjoy sharing it to others to hopefully blossom someone else back to whom they once were. I can't put them on you, but you just have to start somewhere! Just buy one and make it happen! ANOTHER THING, don't stare at yourself in the mirror too much...just put it on and walk out the door. We are our worst critics and will take it off every time. Why? Because it is an unknown area we have forgotten about.
To all my Divas out there...
Stay accessorized my friend...

Kris Hargrove
Star Consultant # 5848

I want to give a HUGE shout out to two of my Paparazzi sisters! Thank you Vicki Kammerude and Aimee Miller!

Vicki stayed up late with me one night to push ideas out and break down where I might have been making errors and where I could take my business to grow. YOU ROCK VICKI BABY!

Ms. Aimee ALSO stayed up late and spent massive amount of time with me listening to my woahs! :) We tossed some ideas and she gave me loads of sympathy and empathy with encouraging words!

As far as the others in my Papa family, thank you for believing in me when I did not! It is starting to finally pay off!  CAN I GET AN AROOOOOOH! lol

Love you all and I hope and wish I can only be HALF as supportive to someone else that you have to me!

(PS TO THE READERS! JOIN MY TEAM TODAY!! We are an awesome group of ladies!!)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I HAVE EXCITING NEWS! I am currently looking to add to my team! This is where YOU come in! Why me you ask? I am eager to spread the Papa word and share the wealth! 45% commission...what else needs to be said? CONTACT ME TODAY!
Almost every event I hear of people stating they are simple not a "hair clip" kind of person. If I had to guess on it, they simply just did not know the full usage of hair clips. For me, if I have a picture showing me how to use something, it registers and my light bulb goes off  pulling me to the "hey! I can do that" side of thinking. This is why I have found this picture to elaborate on how to use our hair clips. ENJOY!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Welcome to my blog!!!

If you love fun fashion, try your hand at a Paparazzi Accessories party yourself. It’s easy and affordable – simply invite people over to experience trendy accessories that sell themselves.

You determine the who, where, and when. You set up the product and a party atmosphere.

Best of all, when you sell, you keep the 45% commission.

There’s no pressure ~ No gimmicks ~ No party games or sales presentations.

Becoming a Paparazzi Consultant is straightforward and simple:
~Buy your inventory up front
~Earn immediate cash with a 45% commission
~No catalogs or customer orders to mess with
~Sell where and when you want
~Have parties to fund a vacation, or for serious income
~No long-term commitment

It works because it’s fun and affordable for both you and your potential customers. Paparazzi has a look for everyone, and at $5 a piece, who can resist?