Saturday, August 11, 2012

How To Measure Success

Everyone has their own tools and angles in success. What your definition of success and what my definition of success might be completely different. What balls it all up, is what makes US feel successful!

My personal story is plan and boring, but full of richness and totally different than most! The dollar signs are nice, but not always a goal to be met.

I have had sale events where I didn't sell but maybe 12 bucks, but I met a LOT of people, handed out TONS of cards and collected interested individuals in joining my team. So, listening to this, I say THAT was a successful day! I mean, what is the best advertisement? WORD OF MOUTH! "I saw a booth the other day of some DARLING pieces of jewelry and accessories AND they were ALL $5 and UNDER! Can you believe this!!"

Another I have noticed in this industry is when you feel it is time to throw in the towel, just hang on! I was ready to quit and count my losses, then BLAM!!! I was hit from every angle with new contacts and ladies contacting me.

So, to measure success merely by dollar signs is not the answer. My measurement of success is calculated by volume of people added to my fanpages, business cards I hand out...and the word getting out!


